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School Spotlight


St. Jude Catholic School, Boca Raton

The Saint Jude Catholic School mission is centered on the value that everyone is created and loved by God. School educators strongly believe that students can achieve their full potential through a life lived in service of others. These Catholic values are the cornerstone for a student’s development into something greater.

Notable Academics and Projects

Over the past two years, St. Jude Catholic School has been working on developing its Professional Learning Communities among faculty in order to better serve students’ individual needs. Each grade level meets regularly to work collectively to enhance the school’s academic rigor and strengthen learning support programs.            

This year will be even more exciting than usual at St. Jude Catholic School as the faith community watches the construction of a new facility unfold. The building project, which includes a new administration section, new preschool section and new gymnasium, has been a long-term goal.
In addition, the school has carried out tremendous improvements to the technology infrastructure for a safer, more effective school learning environment.

Individualized Attention Tailored to Each Student

New this year is an Emotional Learning Class offered to grades K – 2. The time spent with these students focuses on quieting the mind and reaching the heart. The classes will last 30 minutes and will begin with the student finding a flexible seating option in the room and listening to gentle, prayerful music, followed by prompted questions from the instructor about faith, feelings, concerns, friendship, etc.

Fostering of Spiritual Growth in Faculty and Students

The faculty work as a team to promote the Gospel and live out the school mission. Staff members gather every day to pray before the children arrive. School leaders are united in believing in the values of the Catholic faith. These values are taught and experienced on a parish level, in daily religion classes, all school liturgies, service activities including involvement in the hunger program, visitations to the elderly and throughout the academic learning environment.

Initiatives in Support of a Wholistic Education

Service holds a special place at St. Jude Catholic School. All students and families are encouraged to be part of a large team that strives to make a difference, locally and globally. Food is served at a local shelter, resources are shared with a sister school in Haiti, non-perishable goods are supplied to a local church once a month and the student body meets regularly to discuss how to continue to live out the corporal works of Mercy.              

The school also encourages families to attend the “Parenting with Passion” series. Through the series, parents will learn how to incorporate time spent with family, friends and teachers into their daily life so that students will benefit from a life enriched by stronger family ties and community participation.

Why St. Jude Catholic School is Something Greater

“One of the phrases that best presents our school mission is ‘Let your light shine.’ Our mission statement proclaims our belief that we are all called to shine as we grow in our understanding of our call to serve. We are meant to be ‘alleluia’ people and, at Saint Jude Catholic School, we strive to draw that light out of each other and share it with those we meet. Our call to evangelize rests in the joy we have—for the children, the families and the greater church community." -Debbie Armstrong, principal
